lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010


According with Lena and Luis Hernandez(1) the globalization exists after the seventies of twenty century. It has been a process that changes many things in almost all the countries that suffer it. It may occur because of the different necessities of the people and the countries. All the countries around the world knew that they needed the help of other countries in many situations as productivity, economy and solving some problems. So, we are living the connections between many states in order to satisfy the global necessities. As every situation has an impact, it could be positive or negative, the globalization have it too. So, I am going to talk about some of them as advantages and disadvantages.

I am going to talk firs about the advantages. We can say that between the most important situations of the globalization is the increase of the communications. Nowadays, we are living a big and great deployment of the technology around the world. Many people born in the era of the technology and many people are adapting to this era. The reality is that we have to do it; we have to learn about the media because, it is a necessity on this time. Who is not updated it is back, because, everywhere (in the job, when we travel, etc.) the people, the society, the world, the globalization force us to be modernized and to know something about the technology, and who didn’t know anything about technology they may can´t grow in this develop era.

Another possible advantage is the facility to obtain some services and products because of the expansion and the growth of the variety of these things. It is possible that we can find the same product in different countries because; the markets have the opportunity to spread their products and services. Situation that benefits the consumer because, the productive companies are forced to give the best quality and, as consequence the competence is more everyday and everywhere. So, the people have to prepare themselves in order to have a good job and be in a great company. Nowadays, we have to study a lot and prepare ourselves, the globalization bring with it a lot of specialties and fields to study and work.

Finally, I am going to talk about one disadvantage, that I consider the most important because of the situation of the planet. As we know the globalization permits the growing of many businesses and, unfortunately many of them affects the nature in a big dimension. Pitifully, many businessmen didn’t have awareness and any care about the planet, a lot of them only think in produce, and produce their products and sell, sell and sell. And they didn’t concern how they do it; they only think in the incomes that they will receive. Many producers exploit in an incredible and unacceptable form the sources that the nature gives us to live. They need and have to be aware about it, and take precautions in order to diminish and if it is possible eradicated this problem because, it is a situations that affect to all of us.

The globalization as any other thing carries advantages and disadvantages. The problem is that in the major of the cases, we didn’t know to exploit the advantages and the good things or the consequence that some act can bring. Many people like or prefer to go or do the things for the “good and easy way”, they didn’t care or think about the bad impact that their acts will have. The businessmen have to be aware and not only they all of the citizens of the planet.



Nowadays, around the world, we are living some terrible situations inside the countries and between the countries. The people lost the sense of tolerance; many people don’t think that we have to respect the cultures, the thoughts of the others and the barrers also. The last point is a situation that is affecting Costa Rica, our country.

So, I want to talk about some problems that don’t permit that the peace be real, instead that our country is a “country of peace”. Very simple situations, that we can change in ourselves as respect the others, to be tolerant and take into consideration that we have to act according to the law, are actions that can change the way that we are living, in order to be in peace.

Why I think that respect is a relevant aspect to be in peace? Because, the humans deserve to be respect. We have to respect the authority, we can not act as wild animals everywhere. The tolerance is another important point. It is very interesting to know about people who didn’t have tolerance for some people, because of the skin color, because of the culture, because of many irrelevant aspects. I think that any reason is valid to reject anybody, because we have dignity and feelings.

All the things that I mentioned, I think that are related to the law. Many people, because of many situation as the people who didn’t respect the law didn’t get the punishment that should receive and the corruption of the law, act breaking the rules. This is a conduct that foreigners and national people do. They get united to do some illegal and dangerous “business” as traffic of drugs, have illegal night club to exploit girls, young people that become robbers. So, that situation affects the security and obviously the peace.

We have to be aware and be very careful because these attitudes can carry very heavy problems to our country and to “the peace” of it. One example of it is the situation that Costa Rica are living with Nicaragua, it is a problem of lack of respect to the barrers and to the Costa Rican people. So, we have to respect, to be tolerant and to act according to the law.

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